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TechSmith - Screen Capture and Recording.
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{capture the moment}
FastStone Capture is a powerful, lightweight, yet full-featured screen capture tool and screen video recorder. It allows you to easily capture
Our software makes it easy to create engaging, polished screen images and videos you can share with anyone.
Fraps can show your frame rate in games! Fraps performs video capture, screen capture and can benchmark your fps! Supports both DirectX capture and OpenGL capture! FastStone Screen Capture - The Best.
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Free Screen Capture - ZAPGRAB - Zap Grab.
FastStone Image Viewer, Screen Capture,.
Offering single and multiple conversion types along with a batch image converter, resizing, and Full Screen image viewer.
FRAPS show fps, record video game movies,.

Zapgrab is the best capture screens for Windows and Mac! Official site ZapGrab. Zap Grab is an easy screen grabber, to make free screenshot capture. Zapgrab is an