How can i grind up the new op 80mg oxycontin

Experiences - canadian oxyneo vs..
How can i grind up the new op 80mg oxycontin
Can You Smoke Oxycontin Op 80 - The. How to snort new op oxycontin? - Detox.Can You Smoke Oxycontin Op 80 - The.
I have the new oxycontin and it seems undoable to crush and snort anybody know anything about that Yea It is made so that you can NOT Snort them Why would you want
How To Snort New Op Oxycodone Question: How to snort new op oxycontin? Anyone who says the microwave method dosent is WRONG. I have seen it done I know it works.
Forgive me if this topic exists, I am using this forum through a phone so it is not easy to navigate. I was wondering if anyone has had success smoking the new OP
NEW OP 40's oxycontin
Experiences - canadian oxyneo vs. american OP oxycontin, do we need to start new threads for oxyneo Oxycodone
just curious No the new Oxycontin OP have been specially designed to help prevent such abuse of the medication Even if you try to crush chew or dissolve them they
GENERAL TOOLS REQUIRED FOR BOTH: Tool 1.) A tool for grinding the OP tablets into fine powder such as a Dremel or Pedi-Paws.. -- A sandpaper or hand file will work

Ok, I just got a hold of the NEW oxycontins that are marked OP and 40 on one side Some dude posted that he used a horse clamp to crush it up from small beads to a
How can i grind up the new op 80mg oxycontin
New Formulation for OxyContin (June 2010). Thread smoking new 80mg OP oxycontin |.
How Can You Crush New Oxycontin - The.
First of all, credit goes to 'Maverick' for starting the original 'Defeating the new "OP" Oxycontin' thread. Now, I don't want to offend anyone, but I noticed the